Hardback Reviews

Paperback reviews from all over the place.

Gratifying pre-publication noises from


I read the book in one sitting last night - enjoyed it especially the penultimate chapter on religion which is spot on ... incidentally you use the term Darwinism without really explaining what you mean by it - I was sorry you hadn't taken on board some of the deconstruction of that term I tried in Lifelines. As you will anticipate you will put some noses out of joint (I guess especially Lewontin and Wilson!) by grouping the participants into Gouldites and Dawkinsites, but I suppose its fair game.

Hey, I really like that book. Thanks for sending it -- how about you having a chair in the Sociology of Feuding? As for my shoes, I'll put you in a book some day.

The book is a splendid piece of work which is obviously going to be an international best seller. I bought your book yesterday and read it straight through as I just couldn't put it down. As you might expect I think neo-Darwinism is one of the most important stories, and chief triumphs, of the century.

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