



Olfactory moral philosophy — our emotional responses — when we feel a tremor of horro atclioning, we shouldn’t just rubbish it, we should scrutinise it

Olfactory moral philosophy — our emotional responses — when we feel a tremor of horro atclioning, we shouldn’t just rubbish it, we should scrutinise it. Kant says we should interrogate nature not like a pupil, but like a judge, an that is how we should interrogate our emotions.

Sceptical about concept of human rights — hugely supportive of what Amnesty does. Some people have argued that there is a right to an untampered inheritance: others that there is

Different kinds of medical cases where we might be held t be acting — interests of the potential child. Rare skin disease

More difficult when look at Down’s syndrome. Some cases where complications – most people with syndrome don’t seem remotely at the state where

If parent can choose to abort because don’t want a child at all, then not a huge step to say that

Problem of preserving equality of respect for those already born. Not obvious easy solution to screening programme.

Confront Nazi programme head on. I get increasingly irritated by the facile use of the Nazi case in these debates. They had the idea of racial hygiene, motivated by social Darwinism. The values about the


Dawkins idea that the gene is the unit of survival very different from the social Darwinist view of the group or nation as the unit.

If we feel that our biology pushes us in different directions, we are in the long run not going to be survival — we need to have a conscious strategy of rigging the environment to favour people who are — I am talking about these particular eugenic influences. People can be educated to see that prisoners’ dilemma

Biological determinism obviously false. The deep issue is determinism. What is really worrying is whether there. AH a genius and saw this. A lot of what goes on in ethics as I understand it is asking why we are affronted by BNW and how to defend it.

We have come further than very crude forms of utilitarianism. Have realised people value variety, self-determination, shape — slow articulation of values which once they are stated, seem rather obvious.

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